Burdock root tea has a lengthy list of health benefits such as detoxifying the body, restoring the liver, inhibiting chronic disease, lessening inflammation, supporting the immune system, treating respiratory infections, enhancing hair health and calming stomach disorders. When this tea is consumed in moderation, it is generally considered a trustworthy and beneficial health tonic.
What is Burdock Root Tea?
This herbal tea is commonly prepared via steeping the dried root of the burdock plant, which has the scientific term Arctium lappa. It has been applied for hundreds of years, as conventional medicine in parts of Europe, North America, and Asia. It’s also farmed in many locations due to the nutritional and medicinal characteristics of its roots, leaves, and stems. Burdock root can also be prepared and consumed as a root vegetable, and comparable nutritional features can be attained when it is brewed into a tea. Most of the benefits of burdock root tea originate from the notable levels of quercetin, luteolin, and other antioxidants, as well as vitamin B, folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and calcium.
Advantages of Burdock Root Tea
Burdock root tea is especially beneficial if you want to tackle high blood pressure, colds, toxic liver, arthritis, headaches, prolonged inflammation, dandruff, indigestion, constipation, acid reflux, and edema. Listed below are some of the other benefits of Burdock Root tea.
Diuretic Effects
In ancestral use, burdock root tea was generally resorted to for its diuretic and diaphoretic forces, signifying that it produced sweating and urination in individuals who consumed it. This assisted in purifying the blood and detoxifying the body, as urination and sweating are both ways for the body to discharge excess toxins, water, and salts, thereby alleviating stress on the liver and kidneys.
Heart Health
High potassium levels detected in burdock root tea indicate that this herbal drink is wonderful for heart health, as it can decrease stress on the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure. Potassium not only controls the fluid equilibrium in the body but also serves as a vasodilator, serving to counter atherosclerosis and, heart attacks.
Immune System
Important levels of vitamin C in this root tea aid to arouse the immune system and the generation of white blood cells, while also increasing collagen production and advancing the healing and restoration process subsequent to an illness.
Liver Capacity
Various investigations have demonstrated that burdock root tea can help promote the regrowth process of liver cells following severe diseases, such as hepatitis. The liver is a valuable organ that can be damaged, making this drink very valuable to individuals with blood-borne illnesses or alcohol-induced injury.
Respiratory Problems
This herbal tea has both, decongestant and expectorant qualities, so if you’re suffering from cold or flu-like symptoms, a cup or two every day can help cut through the mucus, while the antibacterial characteristics of the tea can tackle the underlying infection to promote healing further.
How Do You Prepare Burdock Tea?
Preparing burdock root tea is easy, given you have access to organic and fresh burdock root. You can also buy burdock root tea that has previously been shredded and roasted, and hence ready to brew. Let’s take a look at the step-by-step method for making burdock root tea.
To prepare burdock root tea, first, purchase fresh burdock roots. Commence by dividing them into 1-2 inch chunks. Then, utilizing a potato peeler or a knife, tear the root chunks into thin shreds, which might resemble bark peelings. Put the burdock root shavings outside to dry in the sunlight for a couple of hours.
Once they’re dry, put them in a frying pan and warm them up, but do not apply oil. They should cook easily if you heat them for 10-15 minutes and you require the color to be a deep golden brown. Once they’re chilled, they can be steeped into burdock root tea.
Set the burdock root strips in a teapot. Once completed, bring the water up to a boil in a pot or conventional kettle. Then pour the boiling water into the teapot. Leave the mix to steep for 5-10 minutes. Lastly, pour the tea, adding any natural sweeteners to it if desired, and enjoy!
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