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This bamboo matcha whisk (120 Prong) is perfect for preparing matcha green tea by theancient art of the Japanese tea ceremony. The Japanese tea ceremony is a ritual rooted in

Zen Buddhism in which matcha is prepared and served to guests in a calm and tranquil      environment. In Japan, the host performs the tea ceremony wearing a kimono on a tatami, or woven strawmat. A formal tea ceremony can take up to 5 hours and may include servingsweets and other food in addition to matcha. The following are instructions on performing your own Japanese tea ceremony:

  • Step 1: Pour warm water into a matcha bowl.
  • Step 2: Empty the bowl of the warm water and add in 2 scoops of matcha powder.
  • Step 3: Add warm water into the matcha bowl.
  • Step 4: Using this matcha whisk, briskly whisk the matcha powder and the water together until the tea becomes lightly frothy.
  • Step 5: Remove the whisk and hold the matcha bowl with both hands. Turn the bowl counter-clock wise twice and serve to guest.

Tealyra - Bamboo Matcha Whisk

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