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The flavour is a soft refreshing aroma and deep mellow taste. It is as if the flavour is rounded off and only smooth and mellow taste stay in. 

Long ago before modern preserving facilities and techniques, the quality and good conditioned Sencha in Autumn season must have been similar in taste and aroma to this fine Kuradashi Sencha. And that time, only few people could enjoy the excellent flavour.
This Kuradashi Tea is aged in the granary for more than 1.5 years. It is not easy to produce good enriched Kuradashi Sencha. Needless to say, Kuradashi Sencha is quite different from deteriorated Sencha. Besides, all Sencha can not be enriched in good condition and unsuitable Sencha just deteriorates. Tea leaves suitable for Kuradashi Sencha are rare. It depends on breeds of tea tree, processing way, product center (geographical terms), harvest timing etc. Besides it requires the special facilities and technique to enrich Kuradashi Sencha in good condition.

Tea leaves for this item are harvested in the place in mountain ravines, with mineral-rich soil in Uji region. The misty climate, sloping hills, warm days and cool nights create the excellent mellow flavor and ideal astringent aroma.
Tea leaves are sprouts that are small and soft and not fully-grown. Although generally the best time to gather tea leaves is when the tea tree has five sprouts, this item's tea leaves are gathered when the tea tree has only three sprouts.
The breed is Yabukita which is suitable for highest grade Sencha.
They were processed and finished a little hard shape which is suitable for enriching. And we have enriched this highest grade of Sencha for one and a half years.

Kuradashi Sencha is different from ordinary Sencha in aroma and flavour, so it may be enjoyable for you to compare this tea with regular Sencha. The superb enriched and smooth flavor and aroma of this special tea lingers in the mouth for a while. The aroma is full, but not too strong. The flavor is rich and subtle. The taste is both mellow and enhanced.

Ceremonial Japanese Sencha - Per Oz

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